Green Light for Surf Lifesaving Club and Kiosk Rebuild
The District Council of Yankalilla has approved plans for the combined rebuild of the Normanville Surf Lifesaving Club and Café/Kiosk as part of Normanville Foreshore and Jetty Caravan Park Masterplan. At a Special Meeting today, Council voted in favour of co-funding the ambitious redevelopment of the popular foreshore facilities and to progress the project to the planning and tender stages.
Council has resolved to commit $1,15m to the rebuilding of the Surf Lifesaving Club whilst the balance of the $3.5M development will come from Government grant funding as well as the club itself. Council will also contribute $1.6m for the rebuild of the Kiosk/Café component and $300,000 for rear access and a shared public toilet facility that will form part of modern, multi-tenant community facility all under one roof.
“This is a timely and considered investment in our community that will bring economic stimulus and job opportunities whilst positioning our community as a highly-attractive place to live, work, visit and invest in,” Mayor Simon Rothwell said.
“The support we have received from local residents who understand the foundations we are laying here for the future has been overwhelming.”
Elected Members have heard an impassioned plea for council funding support from the leadership of the Normanville Surf Life Saving Club who highlighted their vision for the club’s future as a centre for surf lifesaving excellence and also its significant potential as a contemporary community venue for local residents and visitors.
District Council of Yankalilla CEO Nigel Morris said that the Surf Life Saving Club leadership is very much on the same page as Council as far the vision for the site is concerned.
“This major infrastructure upgrade will propel the club to new heights in every way and we look forward to bringing the project to fruition for the benefit of the local community,” explained Mr. Morris.
“We are investing in local people and making our community a better place to live in whilst also helping to reduce the rates burden through income generation.”
Key to the success of the project is the balance between the three tenancies that will share the new combined facility. Council’s next steps are to determine the makeup of the future leases of the building, which will include upfront costs, annual leases, length of tenure, layout and areas under lease.
“We will seek to confirm (in the planning stages) the ultimate configuration of the tenancies – and the kiosk and restaurant components in particular – to ensure the best outcome for tenants, users and of course, the 5500 rate-payers who are ultimately co-funding this development,” explained Mr. Morris.
“Consultation with existing tenants is ongoing and we are confident we will deliver an outcome that works for all existing or future partners, also taking into account that that the new facility should not detract from the many other eateries in and around Normanville,” added Mr. Morris.
“These projects are always bigger than their physical footprint.”
Leaseholders in the facility will be provided ample opportunity to provide input and recommendations on the layout and flow of the tenancies in advance of the finalisation of plans.
The Normanville Foreshore and Jetty Caravan Park Masterplan comprises several elements including a combined new rebuild of Surf Club and Kiosk, carparking, green space (lawns), nature play playground, dune restoration, beach interface, Jetty and Caravan Park upgrades.
This consultation has concluded, you can view the Decision and Council Report and adopted Masterplan in the 'Outcome & Final Report' section on this page.