What elements are in the draft plan?

    There are many elements to the draft Masterplan including Carparking, Green Space (lawns), combined new rebuild of Surf Club and Kiosk, Tennis Club, Caravan Park entrance, Dunes, Beach Interface, Jetty and Caravan Park upgrades.  We encourage you to read the  Draft Normanville Foreshore Masterplan Council Report 14.12.20 (37.7 MB) (pdf) or view just the  Draft Normanville Foreshore Masterplan (6.38 MB) (pdf) document.

    Will the upgrade to the Jetty Caravan Park create additional revenue?

    Yes! The lead investment in this project is the Council owned Jetty Caravan Park - Normanville. This is intentional as this investment will create income earning assets that will pay for the servicing of the debt that will fund the later stages of the development.

    The development is four independent stages installing a total of 23 modern high-quality cabins. In recent years there has been significantly greater demand for the existing cabins that the increase in cabins will mean that those potential customers will no longer be turned away.

    The main cost of providing cabin accommodation at the park is the cost of the cabins themselves. With the availability of grant and the historically low level of interest rates this is the ideal time for this development. Conservative modelling identifies a cash surplus being generated by these cabins of over $600,000 per annum.

    With additional visitors to the area there will be additional expenditure occurring across the region within our local businesses.

    How will the plan be funded?

    Proposed Funding of the Plan – Years 1 to 3

    Council have an ambitious plan over the next three years to implement elements of the Masterplan with funding to come from external funding already received and committed to, additional external funding sought and Council contributions as illustrated in the below table. 

    Project Costs & Funding Sources

    Council has a plan to provide a combined rebuilding of the Normanville Surf Lifesaving Club and Normanville Kiosk and has committed an allocation of up to $1,155,000 to provide the Council’s 33% contribution for the up to $3.5M rebuilding the Surf Club with remaining funds to come from Surf Lifesaving SA and Normanville Surf Lifesaving.  A further commitment has been made for a future allocation of up to $1,600,000 for the rebuilding of the Kiosk proportion of the combined rebuild.  Contributions towards the combined up to $5.1M rebuild will be used to leverage potential additional funding for the Masterplan elements.

    How is the Long Term Financial Plan impacted?

    The proposed Long Term Financial Plan contains Council’s previously adopted projects (including New Library, completion of the sealing of Forktree Road and new Rapid Bay Bridge), service levels, renewal and replacement of assets and rate revenue requirements.

    The proposed Long Term Financial Plan has now been updated with the Normanville Foreshore and Jetty Caravan Park – Normanville Masterplan costings for Years 1 to 3 and is now available for feedback.

    The below chart illustrates the debt level requirements of the proposed Masterplan.  The green line shows the debt levels for the past 10 years and as expected for the next 10 years (as provided at the June 2020 meeting of Council in the adoption of the 2020/21 Annual Business Plan and Budget).  The red line indicates the expected level if the Foreshore Masterplan proceeds as proposed, debt levels will be initially be higher but with the additional revenue generated from the Caravan Park, debt to be paid down more quickly.  This is designed to be achieved with historically low interest rates, additional external stimulus funding available and without the need to further increase rate rises.

    Is the plan just based on what Council want?

    No, the draft Normanville Foreshore and Jetty Caravan Park Masterplan for consultation has been developed based on feedback received during our Strategic Planning consultation ‘Nature’s Best, Let’s Plan The Rest’ which included feedback from each township community forum and the Normanville Foreshore SpeakOut event. The feedback from these meetings can be found on yoursayyankalilla.com.au. 

    Additional contributions to the Masterplan were provided at the Elected Member Forums in November and December 2020. 

    The Normanville Tennis Club was consulted on an early plan to remove two tennis courts, their feedback resulted in an adjustment to the plan to retain four courts on the foreshore and to adjust them to a new location that will provide for new surfacing.

    We are now going to the community to seek their feedback on the draft plan. 

    Why is Council consulting over the Christmas holiday period and only for 6 weeks?

    The timetable for community consultation was heavily discussed prior to the endorsement of the plan.  The opportunity that has presented it self to Council is to apply for a proportion of the $100,000,000 the State Government is offering Local Government for stimulus funding.  To apply for our share of this $100M we needed to submit our application prior to the end of January 2021.  The funding for this will be announced in March 2021, by having the six week timetable will enable Council to receive the majority of feedback prior to the closing of the funding and will allow Council to consider the feedback at the February 2021 meeting of Council, if Council needed to withdraw from funding this could be made prior to the March announcements.

    To ensure we get as much Community feedback as possible in the next six weeks we will be individually mailing a booklet to each and every ratepayer, we will perform pop up sessions on the Foreshore and will be advertising throughout our usual publications.  History has shown us that extending consultation periods does not always generate responses, we find that placing urgency on getting responses in often produces greater results. Responses usually come in as people learn about the consultation during the initial stages, those that are going to leave it to the last minute will leave it to week 6 in a 6 week consultation period or week 8 in a 8 week consultation.  We also feel the talk about it only being 6 weeks will likely generate additional responses as people ensure they are being heard.

    By having it open for six weeks over December and January we hope to receive more feedback from our 50% unoccupied rates base that will be using their holiday homes over this period.  The Foreshore will also be greater used where we will perform pop up sessions and extensive advertising.  We will be using social media throughout the process to remind the community to get the feedback in.  We hope that during six weeks we will capture those on holidays and those returning from holidays.

    It is difficult to find an ideal time for consultation but we feel in the six week window we will receive a broad cross section from the community and learn what is important.  This feedback will be added to the Foreshore feedback already received during our strategic planning process, which can be found in the documents section of this project page.